tip 280

If you have small children in the home,make sure their toys are of different textures to the dog’s toys so that there are no misunderstandings

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tip 279

A cover for the backseat of the car will keep muddy paws off the upholstery. However it’s a good idea to keep pet wipes handy

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tip 288

A pet video monitor like the one made by Motorola is a great way of keeping tabs on your pets when you are at work

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tip 277

Cats also like rubber toys stuffed with a fishy paste available from pet stores.its a great way to keep them engaged when they are home

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Tip 276

Drinking fountains replicate running water that animals would consume in the wild. Some fountains allow water to trickle down, others bubble up,depending on your pet’s

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Tip 275

Mani-pedis are really important for both dogs and cats. If left unattended, nails can grow into the skin. Not only is this painful but it

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Tip 274

Silvervine is a plant from Asia now available in the United States. It’s effect on cats is similar to catnip as it also temporarily revs

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Tip 273

If you’re tired of cleaning up stuffing every time your dog disembowels a plush toy, consider buying stuff less toys.They are often called “road kill”

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Tip 272

Cats love to play in paper shopping bags.They can be fun and very cheap entertainment. To ensure safety, simply cut off the handles so that

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