Pet Psychic Says She Talks to Show Dogs

‘A lot of pets tell me they don’t enjoy the show ring,’ Germani says
By Sandy Robins
updated 6:28 p.m. PT, Thurs., March. 2, 2006
Right now, pet psychic Anni Germani is probably the most popular person in New York City.
On the eve of the Westminster Dog Show, the biggest annual event on the canine calendar, owners and their dogs have been lining up for a reading to find out if they are going to bring home a coveted purple and gold ribbon.
“‘Is my dog going to win?’ is the question on every dog owner’s mind,” admits Germani of Monroe, Mich. “I know how well a dog is going to do by the amount of white light that surrounds it. But I never tell the owner directly because knowing in advance will spoil their moment of glory in the show ring.
“A lot of dogs complain to me that they have sore knees and legs. This is nothing more than nervous tension passed on to them by their owners. I suggest canine massage and an aromatherapy treatment.”
Germani says that she has been able to communicate with animals since she was a child.
“I can’t explain it. I used to sit in church and talk to the saints and get answers to my questions. Then I discovered that I could converse with my own dogs and cats.
“A lot of pets tell me they don’t enjoy the show ring,” confides Germani. “They are doing it because they love their owners and want to please them. I am very upfront about this. Another common complain comes from dogs that don’t like their handlers. That’s why owners that handle their own dogs often do much better in the ring. In the past when I have confronted owners, they’ve admitted that they are aware of this situation and what I am saying simply confirms it for them. I’ve also been told by many show dogs that they hate flying and feel very claustrophobic in their cages.”
Germani says that some dogs can be real telltales and enjoy spilling the beans about their owners.
“I communicated with a Borzoi that told me his owner was forever telling him where to go pee and he asked me to pass on the message to be allowed to select his own spot. He was a very particular and methodical dog. If he had been a person, he would have had a very neat house. His owner confirmed that he would only eat if the food bowl was full and placed in a particular location in the kitchen.
“I pointed out to her that her dog also complained that he could taste soap on his food and she admitted that sometimes she rushed out in the mornings and didn’t rinse of the bowl very well.”
Germani says that other canine confessions include a dog who protested that his owner was very messy around the house and that he preferred to be in his cage because that was the only tidy area in the home.
Another didn’t like being yelled at when he’s outside playing and asked her to pass on the message.
“I’ve also been asked to tell an owner that his dog doesn’t like the way he smells when he comes in from work and doesn’t shower immediately.”
Germani is consulting from the Pennsylvania Hotel which plays host to more than 1100 dogs taking part in the Westminster Dog Show.
“I have the best job on earth. Apart from being surrounded by some of most beautiful dogs in the world, it’s so much fun.”
Sandy Robins is an award-winning freelancer writer based in Irvine, Calif. Her work has appeared in numerous publications in the United States and internationally.
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